Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 72

volume Number : 15
number In Volume : 2
issue Number : 72

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 15، number In Volume 2، ، issue Number 72

A study of the stylistics of the epic-religious system "Aliynameh" by "Rabi"

Zahra Beyrami , Mohammad Hojjat (Author in Charge), Majid Hajizadeh


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Religious epics are considered as a subset of historical epics in terms of subject matter, and the oldest of them is the poem "Aliynameh", the poem "Rabi". This article examines the stylistic features of this work in three areas: linguistic, literary and intellectual.

METHODOLOGY: This article is based on library studies and has been done in a descriptive-analytical manner.

FINDINGS: The epic-religious poem Aliyameh was written by a poet with the name or nickname "Rabi". This poem is in the convergent sea in 11220 verses and in the subject of Manaqib and Maghazi Ali ibn Abi Talib in the war with Naqsh and Qastin. According to the text of the book, he was born in 420 AH. Sadat Asr, meaning "Ali ibn Tahir Arizi" from Sadat has dedicated the area. This poem was introduced to the literary community of the country in 2000 by Shafiee Kadkani.

CONCLUSION: The stylistic coordinates of this work are linguistically the same as the coordinates of ancient Persian or Khorasani style. Literally, this system is a treasure trove of words that are abandoned today. Also, due to the special subject of the system, there are Arabic words with considerable frequency. At the literary level, the most obvious imaginary forms and literary industries are exaggeration and simile. In making metaphorical and metaphorical images, tangible and material elements such as natural and animal factors have been used. In the content section, most of the themes of this poem are based on religious themes, especially the propagation of the Shiite religion. The poet of this poem, although describing the battlefields of Arab heroes, due to his attention and belonging to Shahnameh, often imitates Shahnameh in various forms and even words and expressions that indicate the reference to ancient Iran and the cultural context of Shahnameh, has entered in his work.

Aliyameh , Rabi , religious epic , stylistics , linguistic level , literary level , intellectual level

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